Love and affection


There was a couple. Both husband and wife loved each other and   cared for each other. But their financial status  was poor. Once wife said to husband ” God has gifted me such good long hair ,but no hair clips  to decorate it. Bring some clips for my hairs.”
Husband replied to it ” Oh dear you are worried about hair clips, the belt of my watch is broken since many days i have no penny to take new.”
Husband after his return from work in evening sold his watch which was without belts. From this amount he purchased some  fine hair clips for her wife.
Went home. He opened the door of house and went into shock. Wife asked  ” why are you staring at me?”. Husband said ” Where are your long hairs?”.   Wife replied ” I had cut my hair and sold it. From this amount i had brought nice belt for your watch.” Husband kept the hair clips on wife’s hand and wife kept the watch belt onto his hands.
Both hugged each other.

Sometimes all you need is love and affection. To maintain and grow in relationships, what other person does for you is not important,what i can do is important.Think on it. Love is all about giving not taking.

~Fatema Vanak

About Fatema Vanak

A passionate girl who want to work hard for herself to live in a better way and look at the world in a broad aspect.Want to communicate and be a learner in all aspect of life
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